TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Speedometer Intermittent 91 300zx TT
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Subject Speedometer Intermittent 91 300zx TT
Posted by TheKryptKeeper on November 04, 2017 at 8:18 AM
  This message has been viewed 395 times.
Message I have successfully made my speedometer go from working intermittently, to not working at all. Here's how!

It would drop to zero when I would hit a small bump on the freeway then jump back up from time to time. It went from that to always reading zero except when I hit a small bump very quickly. If I give the dash a "love tap" it would also bounce back up. While chasing an alternator not charging issue I took out the gauge cluster and decided it was a good time to look for cold solders and the such. I found a few and re-flowed them. Checking with a meter shows good contact, but when I throw it back together, dead.

I pulled it back apart and cleaned the rivet contacts and screws, and hit it with some deoxit and deoxit gold. Still nothing EXCEPT!!!: when I press in on the odometer clip. It works all the time. My only guess is that it is stressing the rivet screws, but I don't want to break those and I snugged them up tight. They look fine to me.

Has anyone experienced this before?

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